Tuesday, May 29, 2012

First Full Day

Bienvenido mis amigossssss :)

Spain is absolutely breath taking! It is like nothing I have ever seen before! Perfect weather. Perfect city. Sooo soo much to do and enjoy. One problem: no one speaks English. Hate to admit but I am intimidated by being in a different country speaking a different language. It seems so odd to all the natives that we actually are speaking English... although I am really trying this Spanish thing out!

For example:

We stopped at a cafe today for a glass of horchatta (the Spaniards go crazy for this stuff.. not really a fan though). With our horchattas, we had fartons (a donut type bread) to dip into the horchatta. I then decided it would be a funny idea to tell my teacher the following:
Tengo gases por las fartons. I have gas because of the fartons. Guess he didn't understand my since of humor. Ha ha.

Besides my failed joke, I have truly enjoyed my first full day here in Spain. The trip to get to Spain was wayyyyy less than enjoyable due to a restless night on an airplane then running around in an airport in Paris that didn't seem to understand the meaning of air conditioning or really understand anything at all. Of course, I also had the bright idea to wear sweatpants on the airplane and into a different country that is way more conservative with their air conditioning than the U.S. Although my night/day before arriving to Valencia was not so good I had an awesome first night and great first day. Last night we met some other students and went to a local pub. (Don't want to bore you with that story). Ha. But my roommate and I (Brina) cut the night short because of how exhausted we were. This morning came early with breakfast followed by classes. The food is pretty good but very different from what I am used to. Spaniards seem to consume alot of ham. As for classes, it seems like I will be spending alot of my time studying. I am pretty nervous actually. I haven't taken Spanish in quite some time and you have to be on your toes talking to these people. All in all the day has been a good one!
Time for tareassss.

Some more pics from exploring around today:
The cars are so tiny and compact here.

Catholic Church.

Beautiful fountains in downtown Valencia.

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