Thursday, May 31, 2012


Third full day in Valencia! Third day in class and third day trying to get ahold of the Spanish thing. Everyone talks extremely fast and trying to comprehend all of it is extremely difficult, but the big thing is is that I am trying! I guess that's all I can do!

Here are some major culture differences between the U.S and Espana:

First, the dryers do not work so after washing clothes you have to hang them on a string with clothes pins.
Second, the lights do not stay on when you push in the button, they are timed and you have to constantly hit them if you want them on.
Third, after doing "your business" in the little girls room you have to flush the toilet by hitting the button behind the toilet instead of hitting a handle.
Fourth, there is basically no air conditioning. I am guessing they are very conversant here. (We really have it good in America).
Fifth, you have to crank open windows.
Sixth, the way traffic flows is completely different. The traffic lights are even placed in a completely different place. There also seems to be no speed limit because these people flyyyyyy.
Seventh, people make out in public places (which we were told is a very common event). WEIRD!!!!!!
Eighth, everyone drives compact cars... haven't seen your standard lifted truck or honestly any truck at all.
Ninth, (and to end with some pics) there are festivals for just about anything you can think of. They love to celebrate everything!!! We actually went to a museum last night which displayed some of the float pieces from an event called "Las Fallas". The displays we saw were absolutely awesome! They resemble something you would find at Disney. I was told they actually had a major at the school for creating these pieces of art. The artist will spend all year creating the floats for the festival which takes place in March. They then have a contest for the best piece. The whole city will close down due to the fact that they fill the streets with these pieces. Of course their next goal is to party. They drink, they eat, and they laugh. Then after all their hard work is done, they burn all of the floats. The whole city lights up in flames. Displayed in the museum are actually some of the winning pieces..... here's some pics......

These pieces are so extravagent!

We actually saw this one inside the museum!

Some of the characters displayed in the pieces are actually making fun any political turmoil at the time!

This is a poster from "Las Fallas". I want one!

Another poster I would also like to have! (Hint, hint)

This is when all the Spaniards set fire to the displays!



  1. Glad you are enjoying your time in Spain.
    So proud of you going and putting forth the effort to keep up!
    PS - if you want the poster - BUY IT!!!!!
    Hugs and Kisses

  2. they dont have the posters for sale here... only during the festival... i have to order it so ill have to wait until i get back home
