Tuesday, June 26, 2012


It has been quite some time since I have updated this thing... I have been a very busy bee with all our school work and activities.

Just a little recap:

I guess I left off last week??? Maybe...

Last Week:
I do not remember what day exactly I got my test back, but I am pretty sure it was last Monday. Lets just go with that :) But... I made an 84%! Not exactly my best work but after a year and a half of not saying, hearing, nor thinking a Spanish word I am a little bit proud!
As for the rest of the day... it was pretty relaxed. Class, Study, Eat, and Sleep. We took Monday as a recuperation day for all the traveling that everyone did on their off weekend. I pretty sure I spent most of Tuesday preparing for our oral portion of our test (which I was terrified for). I was (and still am) very frustrated with speaking and understanding this language. Basically our teachers have been preaching that America has screwed us over in the language department, that they only teach a portion of all the information, but all the information is necessary for full comprehension. Of course, I am also the worst at speaking and would most of the time rather remain silent. I never can say the right thing in the right order! But I am truly trying to understand more and more each day! I spend basically spend 80% of my time studying. It is actually pretty pathetic to say the least :(
Also... last week we got the opportunity to enjoy two more museums. The first museum we went to a ceramic museum and the other a Roman Ruins Museum. Both were very interesting! I enjoyed the Roman Ruins much more though because I found a skeleton inside. I didn't literally find it but it was cool to see. We also visited the Catholic Church in Plaza de La Rina. Absolutely Gorgeous!!!!!

Last Friday:
We got up wayyyy early to catch our train to Madrid. Anddd ummm holy MADRID! I AM IN LOVE! After arriving to our hotel, we went straight to catch a bus to Toledo. Um ok I understand a lot of people like Toledo, but I personally do not understand what all the hype was about. It was pretty in all, but nothing compared to everything else we have seen. All the buildings were the same color and well... it was just boring. The one thing that did excite me in that city was the Military museum we went to. It was cool to see the evolution of the military and its weaponry used throughout the years.

Last Saturday:
Saturday was the day for our Segovia trip. Segovia was much more promising than Toledo. Segovia had more of a Helen Georgia look. It basically looked like I was in Disney World, which I was totally cool with :) In Segovia we got to tour Queen Isabel and Fernando's castle (named "The Alcazar").
It is actually the castle where Christopher Columbus came to ask for a voyage to the Americas. It was one of the most exciting tours we had been on yet! Later in the evening, a group of us decided to go watch the Spain v. Italy game. Of course in the stadium ( I wish)! We actually found a big group of fans in the parking lot of the stadium with a large screen to watch the game on! These people are hard core fans. I have never seen so many people so engrossed in any sport.

Last Sunday:
On Sunday, we had two tours to go on in the city of Madrid. First we went to an Egyptian Temple. Apparently Egypt sent Spain a temple as a gift for all their kind deeds (ya know the deeds that involve money). But although it was unbelievably hot in the temple it was so cool to see. After the temple, we moved on to the King of Spain's summer palace. Now that's a palace. Each room had a completely different decor and ambiance. It was so gaudy! I loved every second of it. Although I enjoyed the first two activities of the day, I did not enjoy the last... the bull fight! I was completely disgusted. Here's how the whole thing goes. The bull comes out and there is one bull-fighter out in the arena. He teases the bull for a while until another man comes out to puncture the bull with adrenaline shot to make the bull more angry all in the name of entertainment. Then after the bull puts up more of a fight horses enter the arena. The horses are dressed in a coat of armour and blind folded. The guys riding the horses were blind-folded and dressed in what seemed to be basically armour also but were holding javelins. The bull would then approach the horse and come at it with full force. The man atop the horse would then stab the bull until it went back in the middle to be further teased by the bull-fighter. After more punctures and teasing a horn was blown. After the sound, the bull-fighter ( who now has a sword) stabs the bull in the back. Some of the bulls had to be stabbed multiple times until it was accurate. After the stabbing, the bull was further teased by multiple bull fighters until he finally collapsed (that's when I began to cry). After the bull collapsed, a different man stabbed him again in the middle of his head... that's when the bulls legs began to shake then became stiff. This happened 6 times. I lost it. That was the most awful thing I have ever seen. I will never do that again.

The Arena-

Poor bull is about to be dead!

Monday was a much HAPPIER day! I got to go see my precious RONALDO....#7 Madrid. We got to tour the Soccer (Futbol) Stadium. I was definitely not dressed to impress that day. Due to some severe eye itching on Sunday I was left with my glasses and a STYE! I was very upset that I had to see Ronaldo in such a bad way. But I don't think his picture judged me too badly (since that's all I got)! Haha. But we got to walk through the trophy room, locker room, and walked on the actual field. I was too excited to see the place where Ronaldo showered but was rather upset when I was told that it was the visitors locker room we got to see. BUMERRRRRR. Our next activity was the Prado Museum. Art on three floors. Whoa! I was a little overwhelmed. It was cool to see the different styles of art but I began to get annoying when everything started looking the same. I was actually pretty excited when I discovered "Saturn" by Goya and the "Birth of the Milky Way" by Rubens.

The Birth of the Milky Way

 Both were very different from the other pieces of art in their own ways. Saturn was very dark and gory while the Birth of the Milky way made me laugh because in earlier times people actually believed that the Milky Way was created from breast milk, which I of course still do. Haha. This art seriously reminded me of all the weird things I came up with when I was little. Later that evening we got on a train to return to good ole Valencia.

Jason came and visited Jake on his free weekend.

Jason could not reach the door handle so I cracked it for the poor guy.

Told you these people love ham!

The prettiest view in Toledo!

Jake and I in Segovia.

The palace in Segovia.

Too bad Jason did not make it!

The Egyptian Temple.

The King's Summer Palace

No caption needed :)

REAL MADRID Futbol Field

Trophy Room!

Today (Tuesday):
Today has been another study-ish kind of day. Boring, but very necessary.


Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Longggggggggggg weekend!
And I have to recap as quick as possible due to my grandddddeee amounts of homework I have to do tonight:

Thursday is where I think I left off:
On Thursday this past week, we had two birthdays to celebrate (Kelsey and Jessica's 21st). Since I enjoy celebrating birthdays so much myself and another girl (Carly) decided it would be fun to get them a birthday cake and sing happy birthday to them (in Spanish of course). Well plan back fired when we walked out with all the candles lit and trying to sing by ourselves (everyone else just staring--- haha). Well unknown to us, we had the song "feliz cumpleanos a ti" wrongggggggg. Apparently it is sung "cumpleanos feliz". So Im sure there were many stares and glares :/ O well. Ohhhh and p.s everything we have learned in America in Spanish is basically completely wrong. So anyone else out there learning ser v. estar to how to sing happy birthday in spanish...PLEASE COVER YOUR EARS!
Later into the night, my roomiee and I went to a culture festival, where all nations were respresented with food and drink or things to buy. There was actually the play "Grease" going on in Spanish when I was there. It was fun and interesting but I did not think the USA was represented properly if you ask me! (Items on the menu included "OBAMA RIBS"... ya no thanks!)



To celebrate that night we actually went to one of the biggest discotecs in Valencia and got in fo' freeeeee. That is what happens when your nice to the spanish kiddos, they help you out too!

On Friday we had to be up and ready for our flight to Palma de Mallorca. Of course getting everyone together on time and where they needed to be was a nightmare but it was all worth it when we finally saw the beach. Getting a hotel was also another nightmare. But thank the Lord Above Us we got the room with AC! Possibly 15 minutes later we got to the bus stop where we waited to catch a very populated bus and rode into town. We entered the city and thats when it all hit me that I was actually in Spain because the town looked so much like what I envisioned spain to look like. Located on the hill of the city is the king of spains summer palace. We actually got to go visit it and the scenery was gorgeous. After two hours of exploring the palace, I stated to get hungry. Everyone went to get tapas and as for me, I went to get a fast food fix: McDonalds. The portions are soooo much smaller than what we have in America and they serve beer!!!! There are really so many differences! Another difference is the candy selection they have here, but that was an easy choice for me: KINDER BUENO BARSSS.... yummmmm-i-ness. After my McDonalds, I decided to splurge on a kinder bar gelato... ice cream + kinder bar = everyone wins!

Today we began the day with yet another bus ride, but this time to visit a cave. The bus ride to the cuevas del drach took about an hour. Once we got to the location, we realized that we already missed our time to walk through the cave, so we deceided to try again for the next time. To pass some time, Tony took us to the beach. I was in LOVE! We actually climbed up on the rocks and went cliff diving into the ocean. It was way too much fun! After spending some time at the beach and getting lunch, we went back up to the cave. The cave was awesome and after walking down the tour path, we got to learn that the cave used to be inhabited by a dragon... YES A DRAGON! Haha. Tony told me his name was Martel and I decided my number one mission on that tour was to find him! But no Martel... although we did get to end the tour on a boat in the river in the cave accompanied by violin playing... I could of fallen asleep! It was the greatest thing!

My first day ever in a Catholic Church attending Mass. Oh yeah and in Spanish. It was very interesting though. I also got the opportunity to take communion from the priest which I did so happily. Mass did not last long (which I have heard is odd) and we continued on with the day exploring another castle. After putting in another 10 miles of walking, we finally got to explore the ruins. It was gorgeous! Later that evening when we got back to our hostel we got to have some free time. For our free time my roomie and myself decided it would be best to take in some rayssss :) Of course my idea always goes sour and it got cold and cloudy outside. For dinner, we thought that it would be good to get some good ole traditional southern food, so KFC it was! Yeah not so good in Spain... they did not even have the biscuitsss! Later into the night, we decided to join some friends at a local pub to watch a football game (soccer). The game was Croatia v. Ireland. I have never seen people get so hyped up about soccer.... When in Spain....

Monday was our last day in Palma de Mallorca! We decided to end it on the beach; I mean what else is an island good for. Well... the answer to that is burning the sh** out of us. I think everyone got toasted! No joke I am living in aloe today! Besides the burn, it was so nice sitting on the beach without a care at all! I actually got a little nap-age in while sunbathing. And P.S sooo manyy tittiessss! After a long day at the beach, the group thought it would be appropriate to have a nice group dinner. We finally settled on a meditteranean place. I LOVE CURRY CHICKEN! I could literally pump it into my veins! Ha. But the day came to an end and we had to get some sleep before we had to be up at 5:30 to get to the airport!

Hmmm guess I wrote alot more than I thought I would :)


Nighty Nite!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Prettyyy funny clip we just found!

oyyyyyyeee amigosss...
Just dropping in to tell you a little bit about my weekend and the beginning of this week!
 This past weekend on Friday we enjoyed a little beach time :) Like I explained in the last post, the Meditteranean is BEAUT-i-MOUSSSSS. Saturday we explored the castle, I already posted pictures in the last post... but HOLYYY Crampsss=== walking 10 miles straight up a montain. Later that evening we went to our first true discotecaaa and danced the night away LITERALLY... 7 am came quick! Note to self: never do that again! I was sooo exhausteddd :( EWWWWW :( Sundayyy--- the day of rest! Nothing is open, nothing to do. I slept in (thank God) then completed homework and ended the day with a run. For dinner, a group of us enjoyed a 12 euro all you can eat italian resturant! Delicioso!!!! I did hurt bad after my binging of the pizzzaaa. Monday came early and we had a free day so we all decided to go to the mall! After a hour and a half of trying to get there, we finally did! haha. The bad thing is is that I had absolutely no luck in shopping.... I bought a tee shirt... :///// I guess ill try again another day! Tuesday, we went to see the Avengers in Spanish. I didnt understand a thing, but it seemed like a good movie. Plus, I feel asleep :) Whoopsies! Yesterday, we had our classes and right after went to a musuem that featured much of the Spanish art. It was very interesting but you can only see so many pictures of priests, Jesus, and angels. All in all the trip is a success! Soooo far :/ haha.

My rooms ready to go out and about :)

JASON AKA TOE with me at the discoteca!

Men at the beach? Haha. Never seen so many boobs in my lifeee (B.T.W)!
(Sorry they are not pictured). Haha.

The avengers in espanol!

But, I am absolutely in love with this place! It is completely different from anything I could have ever imagined! But after a week of being with the same people I am starting to get more ticked off than usual. I guess I am just in dire need of some "me" time. Maybe I should take a little run later???

Some pics of the weekend:

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Its Sunday in the beautiful city of Valencia.

It has been a week since we arrives. Just to recap: still struggling speaking this language. I am completely frustrated its ridiculous. All I can do is try again tomorrow :)

Here's some pics from over the weekend:

My first cup of coffee in Valencia... or espresso??? Kinda small?

Haha my coffee!

The metro we took to the beach!

Ahh the beach! My happy place:)

Peanut in Espana!

Valencia has the most gorgeous flowers...

and art!

The stadium we saw on Saturday!

The view from the side of the stadium... what a hike! I think we walked ten miles literally.

An old Roman castle we explored!
The layout of the castle.

The view from the castle.


The gates to the castle!

THATS IT FOR NOW :) Homework time...